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Cyberlogic v. Bank Leumi

unlawful charge in foreign currency services

Application to certify a class action filed in January 2023 against Leumi Bank. According to the application, the bank overcharges its clients for transferring and receiving foreign currency between accounts owned by the same client. The applicant demands the bank to cease the overcharge and to repay the clients.

Status: Application to certify the class action is pending.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action.

Samouha v. Discount Bank

unlawful charge in foreign currency services

Application to certify a class action filed in September 2022 against Discount Bank. According to the application, the bank overcharges its clients for transferring and receiving foreign currency between accounts owned by the same client. The applicant demands the bank to cease the overcharge and to repay the clients.

Status: Application to certify the class action is pending.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action.

Mor v. Albar Vehicle Fleets

unlawful deductions of compensation to third parties

Application to certify a class action, against Albar, a car rental company, filed on behalf of car owners who suffered damage in car accidents, caused by vehicles owned by the company. The application was filed in June 2022. Albar provides its clients car rental services, which include an undertaking to compensate for any damage caused by the company`s vehicles to third party vehicles. In addition, the company is obligated to act as an insurer or to purchase third party insurance. The third party who suffered injury may decide not to fix his vehicle. In those cases, Albar deducts a substantial amount from the compensation. In addition, Albar does not pay the VAT attached to the cost of fixing the vehicle. Those deductions are unlawful. The applicant demands that Albar ceases the unlawful deductions, and repays the sums which were illegally deducted.

Status: Application to certify the class action is pending.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action.

Hatzlacha - The Movement for the Promotion of a Fair Society v. Delta Capital Group

collecting the cost of credit and interest on arrears at prohibited rates

Application to certify a class action, filed in August 2021 against Delta Capital Group Ltd. The applicant claims that Delta Capital Group Ltd. charges borrowers with credit and arrears interest, at rates that significantly exceed the lawful rates. It is also alleged that the company violates disclosure obligations, which relate to the actual cost of credit and interest on arrears. The company is demanded to cease its illegal conduct, to return to the class members the excessive amounts charged from them, and to compensate them for breach of disclosure obligations.

Status: Application to certify the class action is pending.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action.

Levi v. HaPhoenix

breach of contractual obligation to provide free coverage

A class action against HaPhoenix, an insurance company, filed in February 2020. According to the class action, the company marketed a health insurance policy, which included free coverage from the fourth child and on. With respect to children born in 2016 or later, the company no longer follows its contractual obligation. The plaintiffs demand that the company fulfills its obligation and repays insurance premiums which were charged in breach of that obligation.

In January 2023 the court certified the class action.

Our office represents the plaintiffs, together with Roni Avissar-Sade.

Status: Class action is pending.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action, Decision Certifying the Class Action.

Stolarski v. S. Shlomo Vehicle

breach of car rental company`s obligation to fulfill its duties as an insurer

Application to certify a class action, against Shlomo SIXT, a car rental company, filed on behalf of car owners who suffered damage in car accidents, caused by vehicles owned by the company. The application was filed in November 2018. Shlomo SIXT provides its clients car rental services, which include an undertaking to compensate for any damage caused by the company`s vehicles to third party vehicles. Therefore, the company is obligated to act as an insurer and to carry out any duty which follows. The company renounces these duties. The applicant demands that the company fulfill its duties.

Status: Application to certify the class action is pending.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action.

The Israeli Consumer Council v. Menora Insurance Company

supplemental services premiums

Application to certify a class action against five major insurance companies, which was filed in August 2019. According to the application, in the case of a car theft or a total loss, the insurance companies must repay the premium which was paid for supplemental services.

On December 2023 the district court certified the class action.

Status: Class action is pending.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action, Certification Decision.

Hatzlacha the Consumers' Movement for the Promotion of a Fair Society and Economy v. Bank Hapoalim

early repayment charges

Application to certify a class action, filed in August 2019 against Bank Hapoalim, on behalf of clients who paid early repayment charges. According to the application, the bank unlawfully demands its clients to pay early repayment charges, in cases the bank initiates the early repayment of loans. The Bank is demanded to cease these charges and to return the amounts unlawfully charged.

In November 2024 the parties reached a settlement. According to the settlement, class members whose agreements do not permit early repayment charges, will receive 70% of the charges they paid. As for class members who are individuals and small businesses, and whose agreements permit early repayment charges, the governor of the Banks Supervisory Council will be asked for his opinion, and those class members` right to compensation will be deemed accordingly.

Status: Motion to approve a settlement is pending.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action, Motion to Approve the Settlement.

Aviv v. Bank Mizrachi Tefahot

unlawful charge regarding notice of overdue payments

Application to certify a class action, filed in January 2019. According to the application, the Bank`s tariff states that a fee for sending a notice of overdue payments or overdraft, will be charged after the second notice had been sent. In practice, the Bank is charging the fee starting the first notice. The applicant request repayment of the unlawful charge.

In November 2019 the court certified the class action.

In April 2021 the class action was upheld. It was decided that the compensation sum per client will be resolved after a court appointed expert will submit his opinion. In August 2024 the court handed its supplemental judgement, ruling that the bank will pay NIS 82 million as compensation to the class members.

Status: A Supplemental judgement was given.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class ActionDecision Certifying the Class Action, Judgement Upholding the Class Action, Supplemental Judgement.

Lapiner v. Bank Hapoalim

currency transfer and redemption of securities in a direct channel

Application to certify a class action, filed in September 2018 against Bank Hapoalim. The Bank set on its fee list discounted fees for performing direct channel actions (i.e. actions which are not performed by a bank clerk). According to the application, for currency transfer and redemption of securities services in a direct channel, the Bank charges a non-discounted fee. The Bank is demanded to cease the excessive charge  and to return the amounts unlawfully charged.

In April 2021 the court certified the class action. In November 2022 the Supreme Court denied the Bank`s motion to appeal the certification decision.

In July 2024 the court accepted the lawsuit and ordered the bank to repay its clients the amounts unlawfully charged.

Status: Judgement is being executed.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action, Decision Certifying the Class Action, Supreme Court`s Decision Denying the Bank`s Motion to Appeal the Certification Decision, Final Judgement.

Lapiner v. Bank Hapoalim

unlawful charges for depositing a post-dated check

A class action, filed in May 2018 against Bank Hapoalim and Bank Leumi. According to the suit, the banks charge clients excessive fees for depositing a post-dated check using an automatic machine.  The plaintiffs contend this surcharge is unlawful and demand that the banks return the fees that were charged in excess.

In April 2023 the district court ceritied the class action, with respect to the period which ends in October 2017.

In June 2024 the Supreme Court dismissed a motion to appeal the certification decision, filed by Bank Hapoalim.

Status: Class action is pending.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class Action, Certification Decision, Supreme Court`s Dismissal of Motion to Appeal Certification Decision.

Lapiner v. Bank Leumi

charging fees for forced currency conversions

Application to certify a class action, filed in January 2017 against Bank Leumi. According to the application, when a foreign currency is deposited in an Israeli currency account, the bank converts the foreign currency to NIS, even when the client did not request the conversion. The claimant demands that the bank returns the conversion fees that were charged.

In August 2020 a settlement was approved. According to the settlement, the class members will be repaid 10%-30% of the conversion fees and exchange rate differences, depending on the amount converted.

Status: The settlement is under execution.

Documents: Application to Certify the Class ActionMotion to Approve a Settlement, Decision Approving the Settlement.

Dimri v. Bank Mizrachi Tefahot, Hagigi v. Bank HaPoalim, Silvera v. Bank Leumi

causing clients` debts, as recorded in the Execution Office files, to incur excessive interest

Applications to certify class actions against three major banks, on behalf of clients against whom  the banks have initiated execution and collection proceedings. Dimri and Hagigi`s applications were filed in 2011, and Silvera`s application was filed in July 2015. The applicants claim that in the past, when debtors repaid a portion of the debt directly to the bank or to the lawyer representing it, the bank was late in reporting the payment to the Execution Office. During the delay period, the balance of the debt, as recorded in the Execution Office files, incurred interest at a high rate (known as "bank interest"). After the payment had been lately reported,  the debtor was credited for the delay period. However, the credit was based on a lower interest rate then the one actually recorded, leaving the client damaged as a result of the late report. Following the filing of Dimri and Hagigi`s applications, the Execution and Collection Authority announced that it had fixed its systems, but the clients were not compensated. The compensation is sought in the three applications.

In September 2018 the court approved a settlement in the case against Bank HaPoalim. According to the settlement, a court appointed expert will determine the compensation sum for the class members. In addition, the bank agreed to change its conduct.

In March 2021 the court approved settlement in the case against Bank Mizrachi Tefahot. According to the settlement, the bank will match the balance of the debt, as recorded in the Execution Office files, to the on balance in the bank`s books (in cases where the Execution Office balance is higher). Class members who suffered damage due to the bank`s conduct will receive compensation.

In September 2018 the District Court partially dismissed the application to certify the class action against Bank Leumi.

Status: Settlements with Bank HaPoalim and Bank Mizrachi Tefahot are under execution; Application to certify the class action against Bank Leumi is pending.

Documents: Dimri Application, Hagigi Application, Silvera Application, Application to Approve the Settlement with Bank HaPoalim, Application to Approve the Settlement with Bank Mizrachi Tefahot, Decision Partially Dismissing the Class Action Against Bank Leumi, Appeal on the Dismissal Decision in the Bank Leumi Case, Decision Approving the Settlement with Bank Hapolim, Decision Approving the Settlement with Bank Mizrachi Tefahot.

Hagma v. Bank Mizrachi Tefahot, Hagigi v. Bank HaPoalim

unlawful charge of legal expenses

Applications to certify class actions against two major banks, on behalf of debtors against whom the banks initiated legal proceedings. The applications were filed in 2011-2012. The applicants claim that the banks recorded their legal expenses and increased the debt accordingly, without approval of the court. The applicants further claim that expenses which were recorded at the court's approval, bore a higher interest rate than that ruled by the court.

In September 2018 the court approved settlements, according to which class members will receive compensation. The compensation sum will be determined according to a sample that will be taken from the class members` accounts by a court appointed expert.

Status: The settlements are under execution.

Documents: Hagma Application, Hagigi Application, Application to Approve the Settlement with Bank Mizrachi TefahotApplication to Approve the Settlement with Bank HaPoalim, Decision Approving the Settlement.

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